Candice : Swim Suit Special – The Beachwaver Co.

Did you catch Victoria's Secret's Swim Suit Special? Lots of gorgeous beachwaves, beautiful outfits, and stunning girls. The Beachwaver is the perfect tool to recreate the beachy look of the Victoria's Secret models' waves:

1) Separate hair into left and right side and pull all hair forward.

2) Using a Darby clip, clip up the top half of your hair and begin to beachwave the lower half of your hair.

3) Take 1-2" section and leave a few inches of hair out on the end when you clamp it.

4) Curl hair, leaving on for just a few seconds. Release.

5) Run your fingers through the waves.

6) Once you've finished curling your hair, use a flexible hairspray and spray it onto a nylon boar bristle brush. Brush through the waves.


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