Get the Look: Fishtail Half Up – The Beachwaver Co.
Add a spin on the classic half up hairstyle with Fishtail braided strands, and beachwaves - simple, classy, yet unique. 
Before the braiding begins, grab your Beachwaver Pro to add those beachywaves.
Half Up Crown Braid:
Step 1: Grab a small portion of hair on the right side of your head and separate into two equal sections. 
Step 2: Pull a skinny strand from the left section, and cross that strand over to the section on the right. Then pull a skinny strand from the right section and cross that strand back over to the left section.
Step 3: Repeat, pulling strands from opposite sides, until your fishtail reaches the ends of your hair. Hold braid in place with a bobby pin while you braid the other side.
Step 4: Recreate the braid on the left side of your head with another small portion of hair.
Step 5: After both braids are completed, merge the two and finish with a regular three strand braid.


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