How-To: Mini Festival Buns – The Beachwaver Co.
How-To: Mini Festival Buns

Get your buns ready—it’s officially festival season! Our favorite trend this year? Mini space buns with loose, Beachywaves™. Get creative, and add some craft store cording and charms, and you’re ready for Bonnaroo, Lolla and everything in between! Here’s our guide for how to get your new, go-to summer style.

1. Create two small ponytails near the front of the crown area, and secure with clear elastics. 

2. Using a Half Up, roll each ponytail into a bun, wrapping the hair around the Half Up to conceal.


3. Wrap colored suede cording (you can find it at a craft store, like Michael’s) over the top of each bun, and incorporate the cord into a basic three-strand braid underneath each bun.


4. Braid about two-thirds of the way down, then use the cord to secure the braid.

5. Attach charms (you can find these unicorn and bear pegasus charms at a craft store) to the bottom of each bun.


6. Add some waves using the Beachwaver S1, then gently comb through the waves with your fingers. 

 7. Take your new buns for a spin, dancing queen! 💃


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