Static Hair No More – The Beachwaver Co.

In the winter, the dry air is unavoidable, but static hair doesn't have to come along with it. We have some tips and tricks from hair experts to help subdue the static.

1. Spritz On Moisturizing Spray

2. Use Dryer Sheets On Your Hair


We've heard it all before, and it works! "Another trick that always works is to rub a dryer sheet over your hair," Marino explains. "The way they work to prevent static cling on your clothes, it does the same for your hair!"

3. Add Hairspray

Aussie Sprunch Hairspray, $3.43,

4. Leave Conditioner In

"In the shower, leave a little bit of your conditioner on the ends to add moisture to the hair while avoiding frizz," Potempa says. In the shower, with the water running, use a paddle brush to distribute the conditioner evenly throughout the hair. "This will allow you to de-tangle hair in the shower and not have to brush wet hair after," she explains.

5. Add Cool Temperatures

"Closing the cuticle will also help with avoiding static," Sarah Potempa reveals. "This includes a cool rinse in the shower and a cool shot from the blow dryer." 

6. Take A Dryer Sheet To Your Pillow

Just like Marissa Marino, Potempa says, "If all else fails, rub a dryer sheet on your pillow at night to help avoid waking up with static!"
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