Sarah Potempa Get the look: 1960's beehive hair and 1960's makeup – The Beachwaver Co.

In the 1960s, hair was high and eye makeup was dramatic. Women were dressing in psychedelic prints and mismatched patterns. The popular hairstyle was the beehive, which was created in 1960 by Chicago stylist Margaret Vinci Heldt. Editors at Modern Beauty Salon asked her to create a brand new hairstyle that would wow the beauty world. Inspired by a velvet fez that she owned, she created the beehive. I love this era and I had a blast recreating this iconic hairstyle!

How the Look was Achieved:

Step 1:The hair was curled with a large barrel curling Iron, like the Beachwaver Pro. The curls were left to set and cool.

Step 2: Backcomb, backcomb, backcomb! The hair was then backcombed using a ratting comb through the entire crown of the head. They kept backcombing until the hair was nice and high.

Step 3: Once the base or “rat” had been created, they would take sections from the front of the base and smooth them back over the top of the rat and create a beehive shape. The sections were intricately placed and pinned discretely.

Step 4: The hairstyle was then sprayed with TONS of hairspray.

1960's Makeup:

Nude lips, heavy dark mascara and false eyelashes were important where the go to look in the 1960s. The bottom lashes were often painted to look longer. Popular eye shadow colors included green, blue and purple and pastel colors like corals, pinks and peach were used on their cheeks.

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