4 Styles You Can Create With a Bandana – The Beachwaver Co.
Pairing a bandana with classic, simple
Beachywaves™ is one of our go-to styles for spring,
but sometimes, we like to get a little more creative! Tying it at
the end of a braid, weaving it into a bun, accenting a high pony with
a bandana bow...here are three more bandana style ideas to try this season! 

Bandana Headband

1. Beachwave your hair using the Beachwaver S1. Pro tip: to help
smooth your hair and catch shorter layers, start by Beachwaving
in the middle of a section, then hold the end of the strand, open the
clamp and gently slide the iron down. Continue Beachwaving. 
2. Roll your bandana into a headband.
3. Section out two pieces of hair in the front. Place the bandana
underneath the back section of your hair, and wrap upward.
4. Tie into a knot at the top of your head.
5. Tuck the front pieces into and around the bandana.
Optional: use a bobby pin to secure the hair behind the bandana.
6. Rock your new look, cutie! 

Half Up Infinity Braid

1. Beachwave your hair using the Beachwaver S1.
2. Start by making a half ponytail and securing with a clear elastic.
Make an opening right behind the ponytail, and flip the
pony through. Gently pinch and pull the hair in the crown for extra
texture and volume.
3. To start the braid, section the pony into two. Take a small piece of
hair from right side. Bring it underneath the right section and over
the top of the left section. 
Next, take a small piece of hair from the left section, add it to your
original piece, then bring it under the left section and over the right
section. Pro tip: keep the infinity braid as tight as you can.
4. Continue repeating these steps, braiding for a few inches.
Secure with an elastic, then take another elastic and make a pony
but don’t pull all the way through, creating a bun.
Finish by tying a bandana at the top of the bun. 

Bandana Bun 

1. Section out two pieces of hair, and bring them to the front.
Secure the back section into a ponytail with an elastic,
then tuck the end of your bandana into the elastic.
2. Create a three-strand braid, using the bandana as one of the
three strands. Continue braiding all the way down, then secure
with an elastic, and pancake the braid to add volume.
3. With the two front pieces, create a rope braid (split into two
pieces, twist the pieces in opposite directions then wrap them
around each other) on each side. Using a Wrap Up, roll the middle
braid upward, then bend the ends of the Wrap Up downward.
Secure any loose pieces with bobby pins.
4. Take the two rope braids, cross them over the top of the bun,
then wrap under the bun and back over. Secure with bobby pins.
Beachwave any face-framing pieces with the Beachwaver S1

High Pony/Dutch Braid

1. Beachwave your hair using the Beachwaver S1.
Section away a face-framing piece with a Darby Clip.
Secure the rest of the hair into a ponytail using a hook elastic.
Gently pinch and pull hair in the crown for volume.
2. With the front piece, create a three-strand Dutch
braid. Braid until you reach the ponytail, then pin the braid into
the ponytail. Tie a bandana around the pony. Fan and fluff the
bandana until you achieve your desired look.
3. Tease the ponytail for extra volume. Secure with a flexible hold
hairspray, like Beachwaver's Great Barrier Heat Protectant Hairspray.
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